TTC have an extensive amount of experience in tax compliance ranging from small trader investigations, to managing complex multi-million pound issues in relation to some of the UK’s largest businesses.
With an in-depth knowledge of legislative frameworks and HMRC processes, TTC can fully manage investigations on behalf of clients to remove the stress that comes with tax investigations. Alternatively, we can work alongside you or other advisers to assist in making progress to enquiries.
TTC can manage all ranges of HMRC compliance checks, from individual queries about single issues to full tax investigations. Often initial responses on what would appear to be a relatively minor issue can trigger more questions. We can advise on how best to avoid this so you can focus on what is important to you, running your business.
Increasingly HMRC are using compliance campaigns and projects to target specific areas of tax risk. If you receive a letter from the Campaign and Project team, then it is important you seek professional advice. TTC can ensure the initial response is correct to avoid a full tax investigation.
Information requests
There may be occasions when you consider HMRC are being unduly heavy handed with their requests for information and can follow these up with use of formal legislative notices. TTC has a wealth of knowledge of complex information requests whilst working for HMRC and are well versed in what can be legally requested.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
There are many different methods that can be adopted to progress tax enquiries to a satisfactory resolution. We have lots of practical experience of achieving this, including alternative dispute resolution (ADR); which when used on the right cases, can be an effective way of bringing matters to a swift conclusion.
If it transpires that you have made a mistake with your tax liabilities, then it is quite possible that HMRC will seek to levy a financial penalty. Again, we have copious amounts of HMRC experience in this area. Steve was part of a national panel authorising some of the largest and most complex penalties. Penalties are based on several factors, with an opportunity for them to be suspended with no financial hit should certain conditions to be met. We can therefore work on your behalf to either get the penalty suspended, or to reduce it to a fairer level.
Second pair of eyes
In our experience, tax disputes can become protracted with the individuals involved (clients, HMRC investigators and advisors) becoming entrenched in their views. This can lead to incurring significant professional costs and the utilisation of your valuable time. TTC can offer the benefit of a second pair of eyes and looking at the issue from a step away. This view can often provide an alternative way of achieving a quick and cost-effective resolution.
HMRC Governance
For the larger tax issues, HMRC investigators may need to refer any proposed settlements through its own internal governance. Once again, we have very recent HMRC experience in this area so can help to ensure that your views are expressed clearly to the dispute resolution boards. This should help to facilitate a satisfactory settlement.
Please contact us to discuss how we can help to resolve your tax disputes.