Job Support Scheme

Job Support Scheme

The UK Government has announced a new scheme to replace the Job Retention Scheme: the Job Support Scheme (JSS). The scheme runs from 1 November 2020 for a period of 6 months with the aim to protect viable jobs.

In short, companies will continue to pay employees for the hours worked and the balance of hours not worked will be split between the employer and the Government. The Government will pay a third of hours not worked up to a cap.

There are various conditions that need to be met and it has already been announced that HMRC will check claims so it is important to get any claims correct. If you need any assistance with establishing whether you are eligible to make a claim, then please contact Tetley Tax Consultants (TTC) for a free initial consultation. TTC can be contacted on 07595 050427 or via email at [email protected].